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    Qi Cai or Echo is a freelance photographer and cinematographer based in California. She was born in Shantou, a beautiful coastal city on the east coast of China. Those warm winters, long humid summers, abundance of tropical fruits, and late-night seafood booths still linger in her adult dreams. Her adolescent years were spent in San Francisco, where she experienced both cultural shock and newfound excitement. The vibrant city, lively people, cold ocean breeze, and foggy morning walks to public school inspired the emergence of her turbulent and creative juices, finding expression in both poetry and through the lens of her camera. She ventured to South California for college and graduated from the University of California, Irvine with a Physics bachelor's degree and Film & Media Studies minor in 2018. 


Since then, she has begun on a journey of experimenting different photographic and documenting styles, and unstoppably seeking opportunities to work with other creatives and be part of the cinematography crews that value reflecting and questioning current and future human conditions. She is creatively navigating her life though documenting, traveling, learning, and creating by various art forms. A big fan of record stores, gin cocktails, the Caribean, morning light and prayers, and yes, she is a child of God.


She fell deeply in love with photography as a way to express her perspectives on personal life, document the human condition and social constructs, and convey God's profound messages to humanity.


Shoot her an email if you are interested in collaboration, any questions and suggestions regarding her work, website, or simply support and critiques are welcomed. Forever happy to connect!



    Wish you a pleasant and beautiful journey. 

To live with passion, and to love one another.


- Echo 蔡琪




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